How To Use Your Competitors When Choosing Your Bar Stools

tolix bar stoolsBefore diving straight in and purchasing some bar stools for your cafe or bar, it might just be an idea to visit a few of your competitors and take a look at how their barstools are being used. Just by observing, you can see some things you might want to copy and some things which might be best avoided. Below are 8 things to ask yourself when checking out your competitor’s bar stools.

Do the customers look comfortable?

Customers should look comfortable on their bar stools with their feet resting on a bar to take away any pressure from dangling legs. Seat size should be adequate to fit most sizes too, and the stools should be at the right height for the bar so that customers aren’t looming over the bar or sitting way too low beneath it.

Do the bar stools wobble?

It’s natural for there to be a little wobble since all floors are not constructed level neither are bar stool legs. However, if there appears to be significant wobbling, then avoid these types of stool. Another thing to observe is whether there’s any wobble between the seat and the base where the seat rests.

How easy are the stools to move around?

See if customers are able to move the bar stools if they need to or if they’re too heavy. Strangely enough it’s often the lightweight stools which not only are easier to move but are better constructed, so don’t be tempted to buy the heaviest stools.

Do the bar stools look worn?

Quality materials are the key to the longevity of a bar stool. Cheap fabric can soon wear out and lacquer can become grimy with use. Tolix metal stools are a great choice because they age well and look full of character even with a few dents and scratches.

Do the bar stools match the architecture?

It’s a good idea when observing the competition to take note of the style that is most appropriate for your venue. A single stool in a picture may look great but sometimes when there are several grouped together, they can look totally different.

Do the bar stools have backs?

A lot of consideration needs to go into whether to choose stools with or without backs. Take a look at a cafe which uses both for example, to see which location they place each type in. Sometimes a mixture of both adds more customer comfort, but if you decide backless is appropriate then you’ll save yourself a few dollars in the process.

Do the stools swivel?

Swivel stools require more maintenance than those which are non-swivel so you might want to consider the cost of maintenance weighed against the additional customer comfort, and decide if it’s really worth the extra expense. What do your competitors mostly have?

Are there enough stools?

How do your competitors use their bar stools in any given space. Are there too many, too few, or have they got it just right? Some cafe owners buy too many stools which makes it difficult for customers to get on and off. Others don’t buy enough, which means they’re missing out on extra drinks/food which they could have sold. Take a look to see if your competitors seem to be crowding their customers, or have wasted space, and this may give you an indication of how many stools you need to buy.

Visiting a few competitors need cost you little more than your time and a few cups of coffee, but what you learn from it could be invaluable, giving you ideas and helping you avoid any pitfalls.

Here at Cafe Furniture Melbourne we sell a wide range of bars stools in an assortment of style, sizes, colours, and materials. Take a look in our online store or visit our showroom in Campbellfield to see them first hand. Meanwhile if you have any questions or need some advice about any of our products, just pick up the phone and give us a call on 03 9357 9688

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