Top Tips For Cup Of Coffee

Preparing coffee at home seems easy, but you cannot compare it to the coffee made by your neighborhood café or barista. Relishing a perfect cup of coffee in the morning is bliss- it sets the mood for a fantastic day.  

One true saying states that your sense of smell is the perfect trigger of the human memory because the sweet smell of brewing fresh coffee can bring to your remembrance many beautiful things. 

One of the beautiful things about coffee is that it presents the most resonant moments of your life. 

Top Tips For A Perfect Cup Of Coffee

Brewing the perfect coffee for yourself can be challenging at first, but with practice and a few tricks and clues, you will make the best coffee in the world in no time. Below lies a few tips to help you out;

1] Purchase Fresh Whole Coffee Bean: 

It is the first and most crucial step to brewing a great cup of coffee. 

All the unique flavors found in your coffee come from the oils in the bean; once it loses these invaluable oils, the coffee beans become stale, and this results in a bland-tasting cup of coffee. 

Grounded coffee beans reduce in size and pave the way for oxygen to seep in and begin the drying process; this will change the taste of the natural sugars and sweet aroma of the coffee bean into a cup of harsh bitterness. 

You may not know it, but coffee beans lose their flavor within the first 30 minutes of grinding; this is why purchasing pre-ground coffee beans in the market is not advisable. 

You should store all your coffee beans in an airtight storage container and avoid direct sunlight. 

2] Endeavor To Use Freshly Boiled And Filtered Water: 

Filtered water in coffee brewing can significantly improve the taste of your coffee. 

You should use soft water to brew, as hard water can give your coffee a bitter and pungent taste. 

Also, soft water will extract the color and flavor from your fresh coffee bean. Water filters also help to soften your water to give your coffee a perfect taste. 

Freshly boiled water is a great tip; the ideal temperature for the boiling water should be between 195-205°F; this will help extract the coffee without the risk of over boiling.

3] Choose A Brewing Method: 

While your coffee bean quality is vital, brewing is arguably the best part of preparing the perfect coffee. We have excellent coffee accessories, mazzer coffee grinders, and wega coffee machines.

Every brewing method affects the taste of your coffee, so you must choose the suitable brewing method that will enhance the natural flavors and qualities of your coffee.

  • For Light Coffee- Pour over, then drip-brew.
  • For Dark Roast Coffee- Drip brew, French press, then cold brew.
  • For Medium Roast Coffee- Pour over, drip brew, then French press.
  • Italian/French Roast- French press, then cold brew.

On A Final Note; 

Here at Café Furniture Melbourne, we have the best coffee accessories that will help your café baristas prepare the best coffee for your customers. Visit our website now to purchase our unique coffee makers.